The Global Thinker...
- Tend to make decisions based on emotions and intuition.
Prefer working in an informal, less structured, more flexible environment.
Tend to be spontaneous and like spontenaiety.
Enjoy doing several things at once.
Learn best when information is presented with humour or emoiton, a short anecdote.
Speak with many gestures.
Tend to learn the general idea first, then look at the details.
Can work well with distractions.
Tend to take frequent breaks.
Tend to need lessons which are interesting to them on a personal level.
Discover well through group learning (small group techniques).
Need written and tactile involvement.
Respond well to pictures.
Are said to have right-brain dominance (Roger Sperry).
Will tend to say things like:
Why are we doing this?
Can I do it later?
I need a break.
I can't work when it's quiet.
Can I work with (another student or group of students)?
Further Information:
♣ Strengths of the Analytical Thinker