Learning Styles Traits: Visual
Learning Styles Traits: Visual

The Visual Learner...

♣  Write things that you want to remember down; you will remember them better that way.

♣  Look at the person who is speaking to you; it will help you focus.

♣  Try to work in a quiet place. Wear earmuffs or earplugs if necessary. Some visual learners do, however, like soft music in the background.

♣  If you miss something a teacher says or do not understand, ask politely if they could repeat or explain.

♣  Most visual learners learn best alone.

♣  When studying, take many notes and write down lots of details.

♣  When trying to learn material by writing out notes, cover your notes then re-write. re-writing will help you remember better.

♣  Use colour to highlight main ideas.

♣  Before starting an assignment, set a goal and write it down. Even post in in front of you. Read it as you do your assignment.

♣  Before reading a chapter or a book, preview it first by scanning the pictures, headings and so on.

♣  Try to put your desk away from the door and windows and close to the front of the class.

♣  Write your own flashcards. Look at them often and write out the main points, then check.

♣  Where possible, use charts, maps, posters, films, videos, computer software, OHPs both to study from and to present your work (where appropriate).

Further Information About the Visual Learner:

♣ Learning Strengths of the Visual Learner

♣ Learning Strategies for the Visual Learner

♣ Teaching Strategies for the Visual Learner

♣ Suggested Learning Activities for the Visual Learner

♣ Traits of the Visual Learner

modalities, Visual, activities, strengths, learning styles, multiple intelligences, tests, IQ tests, intelligence, gifted and talented, G&t, intelligence